Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas with Jake

What a year it’s been. Seriously. It's January, so I guess that’s the default time you're supposed to really think about all that’s happened in the past year. Or quit smoking. But I don't smoke, so for me, it's this crazy and comforting reminder that God is constantly with me. In every part of life, he is present sovereign and good. I'm thankful, humbled, and giddy when I trust that.
I spent Christmas with my beloved boyfriend Jake and his family this year. My heart was full and beating like a drum the whole time, soaking up the tender sweetness of each moment. We sat by a cozy fire together and watched old Mickey Mouse cartoons. We played in the snow in the woods, laughing and falling over. His mom taught me how to knit and his Dad took us hunting with the dogs. I felt a closeness and intimate love for my man this advent. The trust and affection between us just seems to keep getting stronger.
I was hesitant at first to spend Christmas away from my family. It was in fact the first December 25th I'd ever spent away from them. But my Mom's response was typical to her gentle and selfless character: "Christmas isn't a day, Stephanie. We'll still be together for Christmas. Go have your adventure." My Mom's amazing.
I think my 'rents were especially comfortable with shipping me off to snowy North Carolina because they know the kind of man Jake is. I am in love with a man who reflects the patience, peace, and grace of Jesus to me every day. His wisdom of and love for the scripture is refreshing and inspiring. We laugh together late into the night, talking about everything and nothing. We like the same cartoons and comic books. We pray together every single day. He makes me feel beautiful, worthy, and loved. I want to be commited to this guy wholheartedly for the rest of my life. I can't wait to be back in the passenger seat of his car in Memphis, spilling coffee on my Sunday dresses.
Anyway. Theres a bit of the joy I don't deserve but that Jesus has given me anyway. Praise him.

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